Saturday, 28 May 2022

flying obsession

by Anaé

I just want to be doing this. 

Obsession for flying
Sometimes I'm on DNA, molecules, glaciers, meteorology, Jérémie, climbing or running. But always, I want to fly. I want to be flying. I feel attraction by the state of being flying, and I want to stay in that state.
I detach my feet from the grass. Thoughts stop moving, stress comes down, expectations cease, problems stay on the ground, all my life is concentrated in that instant. I feel the tension of the glider on my hands. I am present, alive, and nothing else is happening.

Obsession for flying long
I enjoy when I immerse myself in the flight, when I have the time to live in that state of being flying. So, I need to focus and put my efforts on trying to stay flying. I want to fly long.

Obsession for flying long and far
I take off and I will land anywhere. That's what I like. Trying to fly to that mountain, to the next valley, over that village. Travelling, moving, crossing. Taking the risk of going far, to unknown lands. The uncertainty of not knowing what's coming next, next hour, next minute, next second. 

Obsession for flying long and far and high
The higher I am, the farther and longer I fly. It's the art of climbing. Climbing the air, invisible lifting air. How can I get inside the columns of warm air? How can I stay in? Thermals of my life, let me enter you, let me stay, bring me up and abandon me. I will follow you birds, to find my thermal, to climb together, to fly high, and far, and long.

Obsession for flying long and far and high and safe
I want to live to fly more.