Wednesday, 24 November 2021

I will keep this November in my heart

because we lost Paco
because we lost Julie
because I shared experiences with beautiful people  
because I had a lot of science and a lot of mountain
because I had love
because I learnt about me
because I learnt about nature
because I felt frustrated
because I felt grateful
because I missed my family
because I thought deeply about the meaning of community
because I wondered why human chromosomes are linear and not circular
because things happened 
because we are alive

biography loop eterno
glaciologicos SAT en ferrata Mezzocorona
voladores trentini+altoatesini en Val Gardena
trento running club que no existe en Mori

amiga de glaciares en roca en el Calisio

back to telasss en Pergine
células fluorescentes al microscopio de Povo

nice reading about RNA:DNA R-loops: cause or consequences of DNA damage? Kemiha et al 2021

me gusta volar en Monte Pic

adoro correr en el Biaena
amo escalar en Forti di Civezzano